Mr. Younan is
the author of, and a native speaker of the
Aramaic language. His research and discoveries are priceless
to the field of Aramaic Primacy, and he continues his
work to present day.
Shlama Akhay,
I think I made a big, huge, immense mistake while
translating Mark 9:49. I think Zorba (and everyone else) did,
In Mark 9:49, we read the Greek (and my translation
:-)) with astonishment:
"And everything will be salted
with fire...."
If you're sitting there staring at the screen
and scratching your head - you should be! How, exactly, does
fire "salt" anything??? The solution, of course , lies in the
In Aramaic, the root Xlm
can mean "to salt" or "to scatter." (please see the Comprehensive
Aramaic Lexicon under Lemma "mlx".)
I think what Meshikha said was:
"And everything will be scattered/pulverized
(Neth-mel-ekh) with fire...."
Now that's not all. Yes, the verb root also means
"to salt" - and, yes, Meshikha uses a word-play which demonstrates
BOTH meanings in the second phrase of verse 49!!! :
"And every sacrifice with salt will
be salted (Teth-mel-ekh)." (Leviticus 2:13)
Also, the noun "Winnowing fan", 0bxlm,
is derived from the same root. ( see the Comprehensive Aramaic
Lexicon under Lemma mlxb) - and also, the scans below from the
Compendious Syriac Dictionary)

©2002 Steve Caruso
Check out Isaiah 51:6 - where the same root in Hebrew
xlm is used with the only possible meaning
of "destroy/tear away/dissipate!"
"Lift up your eyes to the sky, Then look to the earth
beneath; For the sky will vanish
wxlmn like smoke, And the earth will wear
out like a garment And its inhabitants will die in like manner; But
My salvation will be forever, And My righteousness will not wane."
Fk^rwbw 0ml4
-Paul Younan